A payday loan is the type of loan you should seek if you need fast cash in a hurry, since this type of loan has quick approvals and virtually no credit checks. The aspect of being fast is probably the biggest draw for this type of loan, where you can usually have the money in a matter of hours. And since no credit check is required, this is especially helpful for people with bad credit.
Looking at all the different types of loans you could get, a payday loan is probably the easiest to get. Hardly any companies that offer this type of loan require a credit check. To get this type of loan, sometimes also called a cash advance loan, you need a job, a steady paycheck and a paycheck stub, and a checking account with a local bank. With all of those things, a payday loan is just around the corner for you.
But you need to be aware of the characteristics of a payday loan before you sign on the dotted line.
You will typically need to have a minimum amount of employment with your current employer for at least a month, sometimes three months, and with a few more stringent companies, even six months. Your checking account must be with a local bank and should not be in the negative when you apply. The company offering this loan may check with your bank about the number of overdrafts you’ve had in recent months, but that is virtually as far as any type of credit check will go.
Although this type of loan is quick, the downside is the much higher fees involved. The amount of the fees will usually depend on the amount being borrowed. You can usually borrow from $100 to $500 with companies offering this type of loan, and some may even go higher, and the fees will be a percentage of the amount borrowed. Make double sure you understand what those fees are and which fees will be applied to your loan.Continue to full articles ===>
For the first timer, choosing the best payday loan company is very important. Whenever you are borrowing money, you need to make sure you are getting the best rates possible. This is easier whenever you get your payday advance online. You only need a couple of minutes to fill out a couple of pieces of info, and the lenders will start bidding for your business. This means you will get the most competitive rates possible. You can visit this page to check for more info.
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